Wednesday, October 22, 2008

To re-iterate and summarize what Mike posted, we're doing a lecture 8PM this Friday (the 24th) at Eastern Edge Arts Gallery as part of the Rock Can Roll Festival, and we're going to be speaking about laptop music, the a/v performance thing we have going on, and we'll go through the process of constructing a song and explain how to be rad dudes like us.

The cool thing about it is the other lecturers are actually interesting, somebody from BlocksBlocksBlocks recording is giving a lecture... they put out a bunch of Final Fantasy records, something by Fucked Up, Ninja High School and Les Mouches. Check the schedule Mike posted anyway, it's all PWYC and pretty cool (except for us) (*sad trumpet sound*)

We got the nod to play at The Ship on Halloween with The Subtitles, Mercy the Sexton and Texas Chainsaw, so there's probably going to be a few dozen slutty nurses dancing to alt-country with they jugs out if you're in the mood for that sort of thing. I'm working on a cover and a new song to debut at the sh0w, I'm just waiting for a day off to break out the banjo and record some drums.

In other news I've taught myself how to finger tap on guitar, which is the best thing in the world for me because i have tiny baby fingers that can't stretch or hold a pick right and tapping is the only way I can play guitar like i'm your 5 year old brother trying to beat you at Tekken and have it still sound like actual music.

1 comment:

no-face said...

I want to go to the lecture, but I have a bowling date. :( Maybe we'll be done early and I can hear some pro tips on being rad